Thursday, January 28, 2010

"purse straps" - SOLD

© 2010 Heather Hingst Bennett
Red, Pink, Black & White Series - Purse Straps
6" x 6" x 7/8", Oil on stretched canvas

I'm trying to come up with a good place to take pictures in my house. I hope to have better photos soon!

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"hanging around" - SOLD


© 2010 Heather Hingst Bennett
Red, Pink, Black & White Series - Hanging Around
6" x 6" x 7/8", Oil on stretched canvas

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"red purse" - SOLD

© 2010 Heather Hingst Bennett
Red, Pink, Black & White Series - Red Purse
6" x 6" x 7/8", Oil on stretched canvas

From now until Valentine's Day I am going to challenge myself to paint a red, pink, black or white object.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I'm getting set up for still life painting tomorrow. It's been a while since I've painted one, so I'm a little nervous.

I have been working on a series that I call "Long Neck Beauties". These are painting from my imagination and hope I will finish one soon, so I can show you.

Today, along with working on the long neck beauties, I have been enjoying studying about color. To actually achieve correct secondary colors you need two different sets of primary colors. THE OIL PAINTING COURSE YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED suggests using a warm primaries of cadmium yellow medium, cadmium red hue and thalo blue and cool primaries of lemon yellow hue, permanent rose and French ultramarine blue. This is the proper way to mix your secondary colors. I'll show you my results in the near future!

I've also been enjoying Vicki McMurry's book, Mastering Color: The Essentials of Color Illustrated with Oils.

There's so much to learn about color!

Monday, January 18, 2010

it has been a while

I can't seem to get into a groove since the kids have been on winter break! It hasn't helped that since going back they have had 3 snow days and now have 2 days off! So, they will be back in school again on Wednesday. HOPEFULLY...I think we could be expecting more snow in the next few days! It has been a very wintery, winter.

I signed up for an on-line painting class that begins Wednesday. So, I will be painting soon!